Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC offers a complete range of specialized intellectual property services and strategic advice. We encourage clients to think of us as a one-stop-shop for all of their intellectual property needs, and to seek our advice on all aspects of protecting and defending their intellectual property rights, as well as commercializing their products and services.

The patent attorneys of Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC, with technical backgrounds in the mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical, and biotechnological arts, know the intricacies of patent office practice in the United States and abroad. As the world community moves toward harmonization of patent systems, our knowledge of both U.S. and international law places us in a unique position to understand patent law practice as it is evolving worldwide.
Our patent and litigation services include drafting and prosecution of patent applications; patent searches; opinions on patent validity and infringement; conducting appeal, re-examination, and reissue proceedings; and filing under various international treaties to establish priority rights and secure regional protection.
Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC is actively engaged in securing, maintaining, and enforcing trademark rights in the United States and throughout the world.
We provide a full range of trademark portfolio planning services. We conduct trademark searches and advise on trademark clearance, selection, and enforcement. Our expertise extends to trademark-related commercial considerations such as labeling, packaging, and advertising to comply with various governmental regulations.
In the international arena, we are able to coordinate opposition, cancellation, and infringement against conflicting trademark applications or registrations in nearly every jurisdiction of the world in order to enforce our clients trademark rights.

Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC is involved in various aspects of copyright law, including its interface with other intellectual property rights such as in the protection of computer software programs and industrial designs. We guide our clients in the choice of suitable protection for artistic and literary works as well as counsel our clients with respect to the myriad changes affecting copyright law as it pertains to new technology.
Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC has been engaged in the successful litigation of intellectual property cases in federal and state courts, the Patent and Trademark Office, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, and the International Trade Commission, as well as in arbitration proceedings. Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC also litigates internationally through close contacts with leading intellectual property advocates throughout the world. We evaluate the issues and strengths of our clients' positions, recommend the best counsel and international court procedure, and work closely with overseas counsel before and during the proceedings.

Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC has a worldwide clientele. We represent not only North American companies, but also European and multinational companies. We have found that for many clients, United States patent litigation is often only one aspect of a more global dispute. We have coordinated such multinational disputes in a number of cases, both to ensure that the United States litigation, which is our primary responsibility, is not compromised by events in other countries and to assist counsel in those countries to present the most effective claims and defenses.
We have also developed and maintained international IP portfolios for our worldwide clients and have garnered great relationships with international associates in virtually every major industrialized country.
Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC is organized to take on, for its clients, the myriad details of maintaining and renewing patents and trademarks in the United States and in every country of the world granting patent and trademark rights. Due to our continuing involvement in U.S. and international patent and trademark practice, we are able to promptly update our records and procedures to take into account changes in laws and regulations. Our computer facilities maintain patent and trademark records, and issue patent tax and trademark renewal reminders for our clients. In many countries, including the United States, we pay patent taxes and trademark renewal fees directly to the government patent and trademark offices, thereby minimizing costs. In view of our broad international experience, we are able to deal effectively with the complexities of international currency fluctuations and details involved in the legalization of documents by international consulates.
Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC his active in providing advice to the entertainment industry with respect to motion pictures, theater, television, music, and publishing. We are familiar with not only the legal issues pertaining to intellectual property rights in the entertainment industry, but also related business practices. For companies and individuals, our services include contract negotiation and litigation of disputes on such issues as credits or billing, creative control, transfer of rights, and creative products, rights of privacy and publicity, and unfair competition.
When ownership of a patent or trademark rights changes, it is vitally important that the change be recorded correctly and promptly in order to establish proof of current ownership and, in most instances, to protect the validity of the patents, trademarks, and copyrights involved. Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC specializes in the preparation and filing of documentation to record assignments, mergers, and changes of company names against patent and trademark rights worldwide.
Where appropriate, we can arrange for recordal of trademarks and copyrights with the U.S. Customs Service to prevent importation of counterfeit goods.
It has become increasingly common for borrowers to offer their patents, trademarks, and copyrights as security to collateralize business loans and to assist in debt restructuring. Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC advises lending institutions, corporate counsel, and borrowers on the creation, perfection, and enforcement of security interests in intellectual property rights.
Protecting and maintaining a trademark, domain name, or company name requires constant vigilance against the unauthorized adoption of the same or similar mark, domain, or company name.
Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC's policing services are designed to alert our clients to potentially conflicting trademark, domain name, and company name applications and registrations as they are published in the Official Gazette and other media in the United States and throughout the world.

We believe that our clients' business and technological objectives drive their legal concerns. With this in mind, we emphasize early identification of these objectives. We also develop a budget for all legal work to ensure appropriate staffing and resources and prepare an issues outline to maintain control over any litigation. Litigation is a dynamic process, which frequently includes unpredictable turns of events. In our experience, strategic planning enables us to maintain control over a project and deliver the most favorable results for our clients. In each of our practice areas, we tailor an approach that identifies business goals, develops the strategy to protect technology, and implements the strategy as it relates to patent, copyright, and trademark issues.
Since our beginning in 1958, client service has been a fundamental value of Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson PC. Our highest priority is to deliver the best of the Firm to every client engagement. At Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC, providing quality of service means getting the best possible results for our clients by providing technically accurate, creative, and efficient legal services that correlate with our clients' business objectives.
Head, Johnson, Kachigian & Wilkinson, PC's experience spans the business spectrum. We have represented clients in such technological areas as computers (both hardware and software), biotechnological products and processes, machinery, pharmaceuticals, and plastics. Additionally, we have provided services to clients in aerospace, photography, medical devices, metallurgy, basic chemicals and petrochemicals, environmental processes, food and beverages, transportation vehicles, agribio products, robotics, and telecommunications. We have also represented clients in entertainment and the arts, toys, publishing, travel, sports, marketing, and advertising